Filling out this form is the first step to engage with Prove Them Wrong — we will contact you once we’ve received the form.
First name* Last name*
Email* Best phone to reach you
Athlete’s age* Athlete’s grade* How many years have you played organized basketball?*
What are other basketball programs you’re involved in? AAU, School, Town, etc.* How did you hear about PTW? Instagram, Facebook, Referral (Name)*
What are your goals for basketball training?*
What program are you most interested in with PTW?*Private TrainingSmall GroupLarger Group
Where would you like to improve as a player most?* How do you handle adversity?* What are your thoughts on criticism?* What do you believe are your best qualities as a person? (Parents can answer this question for Younger Athletes )* If someone had to guard you, how would they stop you?* Why PTW?*